Tuesday 28 May 2019


Murphy Browne © Sunday, May 26, 2019


Today, May 26-2019 Guyana (the former British Guiana) celebrates 53 years of political independence. British Guiana was also known as the land of many waters and the land of six people (Africans, Amerindians, Chinese, East Indians, Europeans and Portuguese) with the nine groups of Amerindians being the indigenous people of the land. The petroglyphs found near Kurupukari in the Iwokrama rainforest in Guyana prove that Guyana’s indigenous people (Arawaks, Arecunas, Akawaios, Caribs, Macushis, Patamonas, Wapisianas, Warraus and Wai-Wais) have lived on the South American continent since at least 5000 BCE.

The history books tell us that Christopher Columbus and his crew were the first Europeans who sighted the Guianas in 1498 (Guyanese scholar and historian Ivan Van Sertima in his 1976 published “They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America” argues that there was an African presence in the Americas before Columbus.) Columbus was quickly followed by other Europeans searching for El Dorado the golden city. They never did find the golden city but many Europeans became rich on the coerced, unpaid labour of enslaved Africans. Beginning with the Dutch who colonized the Essequibo region when they established their first settlement on the Pomeroon River in 1581 Europeans exploited first the native people who they unsuccessfully tried to enslave, then the Africans. The native people being on familiar territory fled into the interior of the country unlike the Africans who were thousands of miles away from Africa and unfamiliar with the South American terrain. In 1814 the Dutch were forced to cede the three colonies of Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo to the British after the Treaty of Paris was signed during the Congress of Vienna (November 1, 1814 - June 8, 1815). In 1831 the British unified the three colonies to become British Guiana.

British Guiana was sometimes referred to as Bookers Guiana because of the stranglehold on the economy of the British business firm, Booker Brothers, McConnell & Company, popularly known as Bookers. The company which had its beginning when Josias Booker arrived in the colony (from Britain) to work as the manager of a cotton plantation in 1815 was formally established in 1834 as Booker Brothers & Company and held a monopoly on the economy of British Guiana by the end of the 1800s. Bookers history is inextricably linked to Britain’s slave holding and imperialist past. When the Congress of Vienna divided the northeast coast of South America among Great Britain, the Netherlands and France in 1815, merchants from those countries quickly began to exploit the region's natural resources. To exploit the natural resources of the region and avoid the backbreaking work which this entailed, the Europeans decided to enslave Africans and brutally force them to work without pay. The Booker brothers - Josias, George, and Richard - were part of this group who between 1815 and 1834 bought several plantations and established several merchant trading houses in Liverpool to exploit a flourishing sugar and rum trade. In 1834 they established Booker Brothers & Co. in British Guiana and bought their first transport ship the Elizabeth in 1835.

In 1854, Josias Booker junior (eldest son of Josias senior) and John McConnell (who had worked as a clerk for the Bookers since 1846) created a new partnership which they named the Demerara Company. With the deaths of the remaining Booker Brothers (Josias senior in 1865) and George in 1866, Josias junior and John McConnell assumed control of all the Booker properties, including the sugar plantations and trading companies in Britain and South America. Milton Moskowitz writes in his 1987 published book The Global Marketplace that the Bookers Brothers company "became the principal shopkeepers of the colony," building a formidable trade during the late 19th century. Their "Liverpool Line," established in 1887, became one of the top shipping links between South America and Europe.

The fascinating story of how the Booker family practically owned British Guiana is documented in chapter 5 of “Passage from India to El Dorado: Guyana and the great migration” by Dave Hollett (published 1999.) Hollett even details the amount of money the Booker brothers made from being compensated for the loss of the Africans they enslaved. In the 1830s the family collected thousands of pounds in compensation; no wonder they were able to expand their company and buy ships. Following the abolition of slavery, while the enterprising Booker brothers and other white men from Britain were establishing companies (including Sandbach Parker and Fogarty’s) and making money hand over fist in British Guiana, racialized people were relegated to the backbreaking and underpaid work that made the wealth of the Europeans.

At the time of Guyana’s independence from Britain the population included not only the original people (Amerindians) of the land but also some of the descendants of the colonizers from Britain, the descendants of the enslaved Africans and the descendants of the people who immigrated to British Guiana as indentured labourers beginning in 1834 after slavery was abolished. Although the Portuguese from Madeira were the first group of indentured labourers to arrive in British Guiana, the largest group of indentured labourers (who at 43% are presently the largest ethnic group in Guyana) hailed from the Indian sub-continent, arriving in Guyana beginning May 5, 1838. After the Emancipation Act was passed in 1833, the White plantation owning class had anticipated that once the act became law Africans would exit the places where they had been enslaved and that there would be a labour shortage. Some of them began to look for an alternative labour force by recruiting indentured labourers, beginning in 1834 when Portuguese labourers arrived from Madeira. The first group of Chinese labourers arrived in 1853. The largest group of indentured labourers to go to British Guiana, first arriving on May 5, 1838, was South Asians from the Indian subcontinent of whom the majority originally from Calcutta were mostly Hindu although approximately 16 per cent were Muslim. The indentureship period lasted from three to seven years before the labourers were free to leave the plantations to which they were indentured with a guaranteed return passage to their homeland at the end of their contract. The plantation owners encouraged the retention of Hinduism and Islam by helping with the building of mosques and temples to persuade the labourers and their families to remain on the estates after their indentureship period. Some of them returned home but many remained and their descendants help to make up the Guyanese mosaic today.

The population of Guyana 53 years after independence also includes the descendants of the Chinese who immigrated as indentured labourers beginning in 1853 when three ships (the Glentanner, the Lord Elgin and the Samuel Boddington) left Amoy in the Fujian Province of China with 1,549 labourers bound for British Guiana. The descendants of the people who populated Guyana from the 1500s to the 1800s and the indigenous people of Guyana are all Guyanese who share many parts of their culture to make a unique Guyanese culture including our very distinctive, easily recognizable Guyanese accent.

At 53 years old Guyana is still experiencing growing pains but there are countries like Canada, U.S.A even Britain that achieved political independence from those they considered overlords more than 200 years ago and there is evidence that they are still experiencing growing pains. Last year Guyana included a carnival as part of the independence celebrations, this year, 2019 is the second anniversary of the Guyana independence carnival!!

Happy 53rd birthday Guyana!!

Murphy Browne © Sunday, May 26, 2019


Murphy Browne © May 25-2019


“Fellow citizens of Africa, I greet you in the name of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League of the World. The Universal Negro Improvement Association is an organization that seeks to unite, into one solid body, the 400 million Negroes in the world. To link up the 50 million Negroes in the United States of America, with the 20 million Negroes of the West Indies, the 40 million Negroes of South and Central America, with the 280 million Negroes of Africa, for the purpose of bettering our industrial, commercial, educational, social, and political conditions. We of the Universal Negro Improvement Association are raising the cry of “Africa for the Africans,” those at home and those abroad. We want every Negro to work for one common object, that of building a nation of his own on the great continent of Africa. We want the moral and financial support of every Negro to make this dream a possibility.”

Excerpt from the “Back to Africa” speech by the Honourable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, 1921

“Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad” was the rallying cry of the early Pan-African Movement. The Pan-African Movement grew out of a resistance to the colonization of the African continent by various European tribes. May 25 is African Liberation Day (ALD) and has been observed as such since May 25-1963 with the launch of the Organization of African Unity (AOU.) The AOU became the African Union (AU,) established in May, 2001 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. As May 25-2019 approaches, we should heed the words of the Honourable Marcus Mosiah Garvey who said: “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie I, said: “An awareness of our past is essential to the establishment of our personality and our identity as Africans.”

In 1921, when Garvey made his “Back to Africa” speech, the enslavement of Africans by the Portuguese in Brazil had only been abolished 33 years (1888.) On November 15-1884 (just 50 years after slavery was abolished in Canada on August 1-1834,) a group of White men, representing 14 nations met for 4 months, from November 15-1884 until February 26-1885 in Berlin to carve up, colonize and exploit Africans and the African continent. No Africans were consulted, but the Richard J. Gatling, November 4, 1862 machine gun, had been improved by Hiram Maxim in 1884. With “the first effective machine gun” Europeans had an advantage with a “might is right” mindset or as some of the elders from my childhood frequently said, the Europeans were “wrong and strong.” The African continent was invaded by Europeans who colonized, oppressed and exploited Africans throughout the 20th century. Ethiopia was the sole African country which successfully resisted European colonization. The colonizers included Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden-Norway (unified from 1814-1905), Turkey and the United States of America.

On May 25-1963, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I greeting the delegates of the first gathering of the independent African nations at the launch of the OAU, stated: “We seek, at this meeting, to determine whither we are going and to chart the course of our destiny. The period of colonialism into which we were plunged culminated with our continent fettered and bound; with our once proud and free peoples reduced to humiliation and slavery; with Africa’s terrain cross-hatched and chequer-boarded by artificial and arbitrary boundaries.”

In 2019, the words of Garvey and H.I.M. Haile Selassie I, remain relevant as daily, traumatizing images and stories of the mistreatment of Africans victimized by White supremacy are shared on social media. Africans on the continent are being recolonized by various “world powers” including China and the USA. Some are calling it the new “Scramble for Africa,” decades after Europeans carved up the African continent. In the 21st century it is imperative for us to remember our history, what we have suffered and what we have achieved. May 25-2019 marks 56 years since the African nations gathered in Addis Ababa. On Saturday May 25-2019, ALD will be celebrated by many African communities around the world including Britain, Canada, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Mauritania, Namibia, Tanzania, the USA, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In this 5th year of the “International Decade for People of African Descent” (2015-2024) ALD will be commemorated with various activities including symposiums, where political and social issues relevant to African communities will be discussed.

Murphy Browne © May 25-2019